
We are always open for new members to start the collaboration with us. Even if we are suffering from the available space limitation we will always look for the enthusiastic scientists at any level of experience.

Post doc

All positions assigned to particular project will be advertised here and on the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University pages, also typically through the area of recruiting platforms as Euraxess.

When the position is not avaiable (advertised) we can offer a support of application for external funding (Marie Curie Actions, NAWA Ulam Fellowship etc.) for the candidates with a respective publication record and documented experience in organic synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of organic compounds. In particular we are interested in the experience dedicated to highly conjugated and extended organic molecules. If you fit the mentioned criteria please feel free to contact Miłosz by sending you motivation letter, CV and two references from your hitherto scietific advisors.


Usually we have positions for Ph.D. candidates available every year starting in October. If you are interested in joining us as a Ph.D. student please send your CV, motivation letter and two references to Miłosz. If you want to do that please contact us as early as possible as the whole procedure takes some time. All necessary details important for the Ph.D. candidates can be found on the Departamental site.


We usually also offer a limited number of M.Sc./Bachelor projects for students enthusiasticaly thinking about organic synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of newly obtained compounds.

The mass mailing will not be appreciated. We believe that if you are interested in joining our lab you have an idea about the research we conduct and the ideas we pursue asking questions to the Nature. If you are interested in applying for the external funding with our support please send also your idea of the research project that fits your current profile and can be conducted in our lab deriving from the experience we have.